Monday, May 4

Hello Everybody!

For those who do not know me, my name is Thomas. Sometimes my family and friends call me TJ. I have not figured out why they have such a hard time deciding on which one is my real name, but hey, I am easy. I just go with the flow and respond to both.

If you happened to find this blog while looking for the coloring book “Thomas Takes a Vacation”, sorry wrong page, but you are welcomed to hang around and enjoy the fun. BTW it is a fun book - I have one myself.

So here is the deal and why I am doing this blog. My Dad’s cousin, Josh, is taking the plunge with a sweet lady named Lauren this week. I bet you cannot guess where I am going to attend this happening. Ok… the blog title gave it away - St John in the U.S. Virgin Islands will be the location for this destination plunge!

What that means totally evades me, but I am excited about going to this plunge event. I sure do hope I do not have to hold my breath to watch them plunge into their new life. Well if it gets me to the blue water and the white sand for a whole week, I say plunge away! Mom says there will be food, and I may even get to take a boat ride! What I really want to do is dance with my toes in the sand. How cool will that be!

Being only 21 months old, my travels have been limited to an adventure in Ohio to see my Grandpa and Oma. Boy it was long ride, but worth the trip. I learned how to fish and that was so much fun! Maybe I will do some more fishing in STJ.

The trip to St John will be my first time to fly, and I am pumped! My Poppa, YaYa, Mom, and I will soar in the clouds to this island far away. Dad has to take USCG test so he will not join us until Friday morning. I sure hope he is not scared to fly by himself and hurries down to join us. If you have any hints to keep the old folks mellow on the plane, please please please leave a comment below. I will check the messages before we get airborne.

My suitcase is packed and I am ready to get this party started!  Follow along as I explore the island of blue water, turtles, and starfish as Josh and Lauren take the plunge! 

Thomas Takes


  1. Have a fun trip, TJ! You will soon learn to love St. John!

  2. TJ, boy am I jealous of you (and the adults you are taking with you). Have a great trip and make lots of memories.

  3. This is hilarious! I can't wait for our adventure TJ and uncle Brandon is even bringing a ukulele - a TJ sized guitar!

  4. Have fun TJ. As for the old folks with you, mix them a nice stiff drink or two and let them listen to their music. Your Poppa loves his music!! It won't take too long to get to St. John and when you do, you will love it, especially watching the turtles pop their heads out of the water at Maho. Wish I was going with you.........

    1. Oh, and TJ, once you get there, keep your adults supplied with plenty of painkillers, bushwackers, rum punches, bloody Mary's, etc., and keep the music going. That way they'll stay mellow and you can enjoy the beaches and play in the sand.

  5. Thanks for all the comments! I think you guys are right about the libations and music with the rents and the old folks. I am so excited that Uncle Brandon is bringing a TJ guitar. This is going to be so much fun!

    Thx Thomas
